Digluconate Clorhexidine (see below) chemical structure: 1,1´-hexametilen bis {5-(4-clorofenil ) biguanida} digluconate. Given its cationic nature, it is chemically compatible with other cationic and non-ionic substances such as common soaps and detergents, sulphates, phosphates, carbonates, etc. It is a wide spectrum antimicrobial, of high effect against Gram + microorganisms and of not so high effect against Gram - microorganisms. It also works on some virus and fungus. pH of more than 8 causes its precipitation, but its highest activity occurs at neutral or slightly alkaline pH. This activity may be slightly reduced due to some organic substance, though alcohol significantly increases its effectiveness. Of little systemic toxicity and insignificant absorption through skin or mucus, it can rarely cause hypersensitivity, thus leading to the suspension of treatment. “Since the beginning of the 21st century, Rodriguez y Vidal S.R.L. ensures the best market conditions of a generic antiseptic soap solution of digluconate clorhexidine, given the fact that our team guarantees”:
- • Excellent antiseptic power and total chemical softness for the skin.
- • The most demanding Quality Control (through HPLC in our plant) for all our raw materials and finished products.
- • A formulation that has been specially adapted, adopted and indicated by the most relevant university centers and the main laboratories across the world.
- • Reasonable cost for the best quality of this generic drug.

Therapeutic Action:
Wide spectrum antimicrobial, effective against a wide range of Gram +, Gram - vegetative bacteria and anaerobic microorganisms (especially effective on Gram +). It also affects some virus and fungus; some pseudomonas and proteus are less susceptible.
Pharmaceutical Forms:
Digluconate Clorhexidine IQB® (4 % Digluconate Clorhexidine Soap Solution).
Presentations: (both Pharm. Forms)
- • HDPE 250 ml bottle (with metering valve).
- • HDPE 500 ml bottle (with metering valve).
- • HDPE 1000 ml bottle (with or without metering valve.).
- • HDPE 5000 ml bottle.
National Health Authorization:
Medicinal Product authorized by ANMAT Resolution No. 46.465