In 1839, during the American Civil War, a French surgeon employed iodine for the first time as antiseptic, in the form of tincture of iodine to treat combat wounds. In spite of their great efficacy, the tinctures of iodine can produce adverse effects such as rash, allergies, etc., if not administrated and dosed correctly. But, nowadays, even when many different antiseptics are available, the tinctures of iodine still are one of the more valuable for the purposes of asepsis, given that the high antimicrobial activity typical of iodine is combined with the synergic effect of Ethanol, which is part of its formula. They have survived to these days of new products due to the fact that they have almost all the required conditions to be an "ideal antiseptic":
- • Great efficacy
- • Wide spectrum
- • Rapid action
- • Economic
- • Low local toxicity
- • Good tissue penetration
I2 + KI ↔ K + I3–
Therapeutic Action:
Bactericide, fungicide, amoebacide, sporecide.
Pharmaceutical Forms:
- • Tintura de Iodo Débil IQB® (2 % iodine solution for external use).
- • Tintura de Iodo Fuerte IQB® (7 % iodine concentrated solution).
Presentation (both Pharm. Forms):
- • 1000 ml amber PET bottle
National Health Authorization:
Approved by Resolution No. 56/2009 by ANMAT